Thursday 18 January 2018

See what LASSA FEVER forced Ebonyi Government to do

Ebonyi state government has shut down all private, government and mission schools in the state following the out break of Lassa Fever in the state which has claimed the lives of health workers in the state and left many critical at Irrua specialist hospital. The State Commissioner for Education, Prof John Eke who made the announcement to newsmen in Abakaliki said that the decision was taken following a mother and her child who tested positive to the disease yesterday. Prof Eke said that to ensure the safety of the lives of school children in the state, the schools will remain closed till Friday next week and warned parents to be mindful of who they relate with and ensure that they keep their environment clean. When AKINSPIRATION TEAM visited some of the private schools it was observed that management of different school were already on ground to ensure that those who came to school were asked to return back home. A teacher, Miss Ifeanyinwa Nwokoro lamented the outbreak of the disease in the state and said that they decided to comply to the directive in the interest of their children. Ends

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See what really causes Mouth odour

Halitosis (mouth odour) is mostly caused by inadequate hygiene. If particles of food are left in the mouth, their breakdown by bacteria produces sulfur compounds. Keeping the mouth hydrated can reduce mouth odor. The best treatment for bad breath is regular brushing, flossing, and hydration.
Cavities and deeper pockets from gum disease give bad breath bacteria extra places to hide in your mouth that are difficult to clear out when you’re brushing or cleaning between your teeth. Either can contribute to halitosis.
Halitosis – or chronic bad breath – is something that mints, mouthwash or a good brushing can’t solve. Unlike “morning breath” or a strong smell that lingers after a tuna sandwich, halitosis remains for an extended amount of time and may be a sign of something more serious
What Causes Halitosis?
If quick bad breath fixes are only covering up the problem for a short time, something else may be happening in your body, including:
Dental Issues: Cavities and deeper pockets from gum disease give bad breath bacteria extra places to hide in your mouth that are difficult to clear out when you’re brushing or cleaning between your teeth. Either can contribute to halitosis.
Mouth, Nose and Throat Infections: According to the Mayo Clinic, nose, sinus and throat issues that can lead to postnasal drip may also contribute to bad breath. Bacteria feeds on mucus your body produces when it’s battling something like a sinus infection, leaving you sniffly and stinky.
Dry mouth: Saliva goes a long way for your dental health – and your breath. It rinses and removes unwanted leftovers from your mouth, helps break down food when you eat and provides disease-fighting substances to help prevent cavities and infections. If you don’t make enough saliva, one sign may be halitosis. Dry mouth can be caused by medications, certain medical conditions, alcohol use, tobacco use or excessive caffeine.
Smoking and tobacco: Tobacco products wreak havoc on your body and your breath. Not only do many tobacco products leave their own odor on your breath; they can also dry out your mouth. Smokers are also more likely to develop gum disease, which can also add to halitosis.
Other chronic conditions: While halitosis is most often linked to something happening in your mouth, it may also be a sign of gastric reflux, diabetes, liver or kidney disease.
Handling Halitosis
If you notice your breath has been less than fresh lately, start by following a healthy daily dental routine – brush twice a day for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste and clean between your teeth once a day. Other things, like drinking plenty of water, chewing sugarless gum with the ADA Seal of Acceptance and cutting back on caffeine may also help get your saliva flowing and boost the freshness of your breath.
If you notice your bad breath persists, check in with your dentist. Together, you can track down what the cause may be. With a proper cleaning and exam, your dentist can help rule out any oral health problems and advise you on next steps, including what types of dental products to use, treatment plans to take care of cavities or gum disease or refer you to a medical provider to follow up.


Leaders are hard to find. They exhibit a unique blend of charisma, vision and character traits that attract people to follow them. They exhibit the other nine characteristics around which this article series was developed as well. But, mostly, as they exhibit these traits and characteristics, people will want to follow them.
Respected leaders know that they can't just walk into a room and say, "Hey I'm the leader.
Follow me." If you're the boss, you can get away with this attitude to a certain degree, but the followers you attract will be compulsory and not following you by choice. They will heed your advice and obey your commands, but it is involuntary followership based on your organizational hierarchy to a large degree.
Leaders understand that to actually lead most effectively and successfully, they need to attract people who want to follow them.
How Leaders Attract Followers
Leaders recognize their need to attract followers. Followership is key to understanding leadership. To follow, people must feel confident in the direction in which the leader is headed. To have this level of confidence, the leader must have clearly communicated the overall direction , the key outcomes desired, and the principal strategies agreed upon to reach the outcomes.
Then, employees are enabled and empowered to do their part in accomplishing the stated objectives.
They have the framework that they need to guide their own actions. And, empowered employees do.
One of the key factors in whether an employee stays with their current employer is that the employee has confidence and trust that the leaders know what they are doing. This confidence gives employees the control they need for their livelihood and supporting their family.
Further, leaders people follow are accountable and trustworthy. If progress towards accomplishing the goals ceases, the leader takes responsibility to analyze the problem—he doesn't search for people to blame.
Consequently, people can have confidence that their leader won’t punish them for their efforts if they take reasonable and responsible risks that are well thought out and well-founded. They are accountable and responsible to deserve their leader's confidence and trust.
Followers need to believe that, at the end of the journey, their leader will recognize and reward them for their contribution. The leader must help followers answer the question, “What’s in it for me?" Successful leaders are honest about the potential risks inherent in the chosen path as well as the potential rewards.
They communicate, not just the overall direction, but any information their followers need to successfully and skillfully carry out their responsibilities. They recognize that for their followers to perform most effectively they need to understand the big picture. They also know that their job is to remove barriers that may have a negative impact on the employees' success—not to micromanage how the employees accomplish their work .
They need to know why the organization is pursuing the current strategies. They need their leader for guidance and to help remove any barriers they may experience along the way. Mostly, they need the assurance that their leader has confidence in their ability to perform and produce the desired outcomes.
If any of these factors are missing, leaders will have a tough time attracting followers. At the end of the day, it is the entwining of the relationship of the leader with the followers that makes their organization or portion of the organization succeed.
When the Leader Is Also the Boss
Occasionally, the leader is the person who is in charge, the founder of the business, the CEO, the president or department head. Leadership qualities combined with positional power magnify the ability of an individual to attract and retain the all-important followers.
In fact, business owners can count on a certain amount of respect and followership based on their ownership and title. Longevity, too, plays a role in attracting and retaining followers. People who have followed the leader for ten years will continue to follow unless they lose trust in the leader’s direction.
But, never forget, no matter what your position is in the organization, even if your current job is a valued contributor, you can become a leader that other employees want to follow.
In fact, in organizations, one of the reasons employees are promoted to positions such as team leader, supervisor, or department manager, is that they have demonstrated over time that people will follow them.
Characteristics of a Successful Leadership Style
Much is written about what makes successful leaders. This series will focus on the characteristics, traits and actions that many leaders believe are key.

Wednesday 10 January 2018


Smoking a month or after before Breast Surgery may lead to nipples fall off —Surgeon Surgeons have warned that smoking just one month before or after you undergo breast surgery can make your nipples turn black and fall off!

Plastic surgeon Dr Anthony Youn, shared his findings after he had treated a patient who lost her nipples due to smoking before she had breast surgery.

“In my memoir, In Stitches, I told the story of a smoker whose nipples turned purple while undergoing a breast lift surgery.

“Purple is the precursor to black. Black is the precursor to falling off.  This happened because the nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke constricts the blood vessels.

“When blood vessels are constricted and you’re having surgery where the blood supply is significantly altered (such as in breast surgery, face lifts, and tummy tucks, for example), this poses a massive risk.

“If the blood flow to a particular body part is massively reduced or cut off, that body part dies, turning purple, then black, then falling off.

“Smokers’ bodies aren’t healthy enough to respond to this and fix it,” the surgeon warns.

Youn says when you smoke before or after surgery, the cigarette carbons act as a ‘virtual tourniquet’, causing the nipple to die from necrosis.

“This won’t be painful, but patients will feel numbness, followed by an absence of nipples,” he explains.

To treat this, Dr Youn uses leech therapy, while other doctors will surgically remove the nipples and then reconstruct the area.

He explains, “Leech therapy works by restoring blood flow to an area of the body, sucking out clotted blood and releasing a vasodilator.

“If someone were to go for neither of these options, their nipples may fall off on their own over the course of several weeks.”

He counsels those planning to have major surgery to abstain from smoking.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Wonders shall never end see what happened.

Woman tries to force her boyfriend to undergo circumcision and is thinking of quitting the relationship after he cried and backed out
A Reddit user, Madgal87, took to the page to vent about how she was 'horrified' when she realised that her boyfriend wasn't circumcised.  She then tried to persuade him to undergo circumcision which he agreed to, but on getting to the hospital he got scared and couldn't go through with it. He ended up crying at the doctor's office before backing out. Her write up sparked a wave of fury from commenters as it ended with her saying she wanted to break up. See the post and some of the replies she got below...
' So I have been dating my boyfriend for 6 months now and started having sexual relations two month ago. When he took down his pants, I was horrified. He was uncircumcized and it looked terrible.'
Not wanting to hurt his feelings, I pretended to like it thinking I'd get used to it. I was wrong. Two weeks ago, I talked to him about it to get him to go under the knife so to speak. At first he refused, but I told him about how the three guys I've been with had been circumsized and not only did it look better but they said it felt better too. Finally after some persuading, he decided to do it. Fast forward to yesterday, he finally decided to go to the doctor to undergo the circumcision procedure that would've only taken a few minutes. In the waiting room, he started crying and kept saying he couldn't go through with it'We left with him still not undergoing the procedure. It was embarrassing for both of us having a grown man cry at the doctor. Why couldn't he just man up it would be best for him and our relationship? 'I don't know if I can be with a guy who is uncircumsized and worse who would cry in public. No advice needed. Just venting.

See what President Buhari says about his Wife

In his reaction to his wife’s BBC interview, President Muhammadu Buhari on Friday said Aisha belonged in his kitchen, and did not have any right to question his leadership.
President Buhari said during a joint press briefing with German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, that he had superior knowledge over his wife, the Associated Press reported.
The President responded, “I don’t know which party my wife belongs to, but she belongs to my kitchen and my living room and the other room.
“So I claim superior knowledge over her and the rest of the opposition, because in the end I have succeeded. It’s not easy to satisfy the whole Nigerian opposition parties or to participate in the government.”
Commenting on President Buhari’s response that his wife belonged in the kitchen, the publisher of Ovation magazine, Chief Dele Momodu, said it was “disgraceful” for the President to have said it.
“If the President really said that his wife belongs in his kitchen and his bedroom and his other bedroom, it is highly disgraceful,” he said.

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See what VP Osinbajo said about Chibok girls.

The vice president Yemi Osinbajo on Thursday, October 13, described the release of 21 Chibok school girls by the Boko Haram insurgents as exciting news for the whole country.
Osinbajo made this known while addressing with State House reporters, after visiting with the freed girls at the medical centre of the Department of the State Security (DSS) located at the Airport Road, Abuja.
Vice president Yemi Osinbajo, his wife and the 21 released Chibok girls
However, the vice president disclosed that one of the 21 freed girls had a baby, amongst other comments.
WORLDNEWS CHANNEL has put together eight key things Osinbajo said after his visit to the Chibok girls.
1. I met with the 21 Chibok girls about an hour ago. They are in good health considering the circumstances they have been held in, and they are now being well taken care of in the medical facility.
2. One of the school girls has a baby but she is the only one.
3. The girls will be staying at the medical centre for some time until we are satisfied about their health condition.
4. There will be therapy, there will be counselling for the girls. Of course, we can imagine what they have gone through. So, we expect that a lot of psychological therapy and so much needs to be done to get them back.
5. Their parents will be coming to join them hopefully by tomorrow, October 14.
6. We should congratulate ourselves and thank the Almighty God for the release and subsequent returning home of 21 of the Chibok girls who were taken almost two years ago.
7. This is an exciting news for the whole country. Everyone is really excited, and I believe that we should be very thankful to God.
8. I also want to thank the military and all the security services, DSS, intelligence services across the county as well as our friends and partners, internationally who have also helped in bringing happy ending of the captivity of at least 21 of the Chibok girls.

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Tension as Nigerian Militants declare total war against FG

– The Niger Delta Greenland Justice Mandate has claimed reponsibilty for an attack on an oil installation in Ughelli, Delta state
– NDGJM launches Operation Hammurabi Code in mockery of the Operation Crocodile Smile, after the Nigeria Army
– The group warns the Nigerian government and multinationals that henceforth it shall be an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
The Niger Delta Greenland Justice Mandate has served a notice to the Nigerian government and multinationals about the launch of Operation Hammurabi Code .
Militants in the Niger Delta region have resumed hostilities with an attacked on a crude oil delivery line that supplies product to the Ughelli quality control center in Delta state.
The Niger Delta Greenland Justice Mandate (NDGJM) which claimed responsibility for the attack on Friday, October 13, also launched its
“Operation Hammurabi Code” named after a former King of Babylonia (1792-1750bc) in mockery of the “ Operation Crocodile Smile, after the Nigeria Army.
The NDGJM, according to Vanguard, said it carried out the attack on Thursday, October 13.
“ At about 2100hours of Thursday, October 13, 2016, the Akuma Strike Team of the Niger Delta Greenland Justice Mandate brought down the Iwhremaro to the Ughelli Quality Control Centre (QCC) delivery line to signal the commencement of the Operation Hammurabi Code,” spokesperson for group, Gen’ Aldo Agbalaja said.
“ We have been patient and reasonable all along; hence our choice to restrict our activities to mild operations that were not aimed at causing critical damages, but it has now become crystal clear that we are dealing with devious and incorrigible people,” Agbalaja added.
The QCC which is being operated by the Nigeria Petroleum Development Company (NPDC) plays host to four crude oil tank farms, receives products from six oil fields within the Oil Mining Lease 30 and supplies crude oil and gas to the Forcados Terminal, Warri and Kaduna refineries.
The group which served a notice to the Nigerian government and multinationals about the launch of Operation Hammurabi Code warned, that henceforth it shall be an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
“Now you shall know what uprooting of your cherished assets means. It starts from now on, there is no longer going to be warnings or special consideration for anybody,” it said.
NDGJM accused the federal government of divide and rule and labeled oil companies a leopard incapable of changing its skin.
“We have observed that the leopard of the oil company is incapable of changing its skin; ever deceiving, ever conniving. Your ‘divide-and-rule’ gimmick will fail here as we will not stay idle in the face of your lies, ” the group said.
“We have said it once and we shall repeat it here now; the Niger Delta Greenland Justice Mandate will not call this campaign off in secret, when we see reason to do so and we decide to do so, we shall reach the world publicly through this same channel, from where we took off.”
Meanwhile, Oil giant company, Chevron Nigeria Limited has received an ultimatum by leaders of a community in Delta state.
The 14-day ultimatum was issued by the leaders of Okoyitoru community in Gbaramatu Kingdom, Warri South-West Local Government Area of Delta state.
The leaders mandated the oil company to commence pilling and sand filling of the community that has been environmentally devastated following activities by Chevron in the area.
The ultimatum was conveyed through a letter written by a lawyer Omes Ogedegbe on behalf of the community and address to the company’s managing director of Chevron was dated October 10, 2016.

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Saturday 8 October 2016

Woman runs mad after discovering she had been married to a dead man after 6 years.

Woman runs mad when she discovers her husband is a dead man
Woman runs mad after discovering she has been married to a dead man for six years.

Usually we only see stuff like this happen in movies, but it seems this one actually happened for real, as a woman is reportedly crazy as a result of her own personal experience.

The woman identified as Mrs Grace Amadi, recently discovered she had been married to and raising two children with a man who reportedly died as far back as 2002.

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Mrs Grace discovered her husband of 6 years died since 2002
According to reports, Grace who had been married to her husband identified as Tony for six years, was said to have lived peacefully with him. The pair had their two daughters in 2011 and 2013 and lived in waterside in old Port Harcourt town, where Tony also had a job he went to every morning.
Grace got to know about her husband’s death following a visit from someone who claimed to be his distant relative, who had come to the house when Tony had left for work, bearing old pictures of him. Grace was said to have started screaming in disbelief, fear and anger, while also throwing herself on the ground repeatedly in a bid to inflict injuries on herself, causing her neighbours to gather and see what caused her action.
According to the neighbours, the pictures brought by Tony’s relative showed one where he was married to another woman in May 2000, another one where he was in a car accident that claimed his life, and another one where he was laid-in-state during his funeral in July 2002, the last picture was one of his grave’s headstone which also showed his full name with birth and death dates.
Refusing to believe the story, some people tried to contact Tony by calling his phone and even going to his office, but neither worked as he reportedly never arrived the office on that day he left for work.

Grace who has become a basket case, has been taken to a local prayer house for ‘spiritual treatment’, while the neighbours have taken over the caring of her children.

Na wa oh! This one pass film trick oo!

Unbelievable this lady started masturbating when she was 6 years old.

A young lady narrates how she started masturbating when she was just 6 years old.

It is said that bad habits are the easiest things to pick up and the hardest things to drop off when acquired. This story has proved it is the truth, to a certain extent.

A young lady identified as Moji, shared her story about how she started indulging in the act of masturbation at a very young age. According to her, she had already started masturbating while she was just a 6-year-old who isn’t supposed to know the difference between right and wrong.
Moji finally overcame her masturbation habit after 20 years
Moji who says she has repented and finally stopped masturbating after about 20 years, says God save her. Read what she had to say below:

“I look so innocent in this picture, but if only you knew what my mind knew. I grew up in England and I believe in this picture I was 6 years old. So young and full of life. But my mind at this time was already corrupt. At this young age I knew what sex was, had watched a couple of x-rated movies and I’d even started playing with myself (masturbating). Who knew I would deal with these addictions for over 20 years of my life. I for one didn’t. But it continued, it progressed and it took Jesus to save and deliver me. Continue…

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I don’t know what you’re dealing with. I don’t know what you’ve been battling with for a very long time. I don’t know the addictions and vices you feel you can’t overcome. But I do want you to know something, Jesus saves. Jesus heals. Jesus delivers. He saved me from every vice and set me free. He broke every yoke of addiction I’ve had to deal with. He restored my soul. He gave me life. And I do believe that if any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creature, old things have passed away behold all things have become new.
So my dears I don’t know what you’re going through, I don’t know how bad you feel or think or believe you are. But one thing is for sure, Jesus saves. And He’s ready for you if you come to Him.

See How to know you truly forgive

How does one know if she has forgiven? You tend to feel sorrow over the circumstance instead of rage, you tend to feel sorry for the person rather than angry with him. You tend to have nothing left to say about it all but to reconcile your differences.
Thank you for visiting us.

Friday 7 October 2016

See,How To Strengthen Your EI & Increase Your IQ

How To Strengthen Your EI & Increase Your IQ

When dealing with this issue, we have to understand that a person’s IQ can be severely undermined by an inability to manage their emotions properly. In other words, those lacking in emotional intelligence may also find that their overall intelligence suffers.

In traditional terms, this is the balancing of the head and the heart. More accurately, since we know that our emotional intelligence also resides in the head, this is about creating a better relationship between the emotional brain and the thinking brain.

As the emotional brain can hijack our thinking processes, it does not take a great leap to realize that our intelligence can be adversely affected by our emotions. 

How effective can you be if you are unable to think clearly because you are gripped by a certain emotion and cannot apply rationale to a subject? This is the bottom line.

In reality, there will be individuals who are supremely intelligent, with the highest of IQs, but who lead chaotic and unfulfilled lives purely because they are unable to set aside their emotional reactions. In some cases, of course, we will be talking about emotional hijacking that has led to mental problems. 

These are the archetypal “mad professor” types whose IQs are off the chart but are wound so tight, and so driven by their emotions, that they cannot free their true potential.

We may also be able to interchange “emotional intelligence” with “common sense”. IQ and common sense are not the same thing. 

An intelligent person without common sense can quickly reduce their ability to problem-solve because they do not have the wherewithal to see situations for what they really are.

In this respect, you could also list “streetwise” as synonymous with emotional intelligence, as this can provide the ability to react more rationally to more extreme situations that might provoke an emotional hijacking in someone less “street”.

IQ may not even be the correct term to use when speaking about the possibility of enhancing thinking intelligence by improving emotional intelligence.

A person’s IQ is a measurement at one point in time that is established by means of testing. It does not take into account the vagaries that exist in the real world that may cause that same high IQ individual to fail when circumstances prove too fractious.

The real improvement that can result from improved emotional intelligence is better real-world problem-solving skills, because emotions will not cloud the issue. 

Strengthening your emotional intelligence is not, therefore, about increasing IQ, but rather about allowing your existing IQ to shine through under more and more testing circumstances.

It is all about controlling the initial emotional response to a given stimulus that might render the highest IQ effectively worthless. It is about applying intellectual rationale to the risk factors for emotional overreactions before they occur.

Emotional intelligence – such as self-managing intense feelings, developing empathy, listening to others without fear, judgment or contempt can often determine our destiny far more so than our IQ.

We should also be cognizant of the profound effects our emotional stability can have on the emotional health of other people. Learning not to react aggressively towards another person benefits both you and the other person. 

They learn by default that emotions can be controlled, and may be inspired to improve their own emotional responses as a result.

If marriage is on your mind, you have to invest in yourself before expecting any man to place his money on you.

Marriage is for the wise, marriage is for those who are insightful. There is no point constituting menace to the society simply because you and your spouse are not compatible.
We are tired of hearing cases of domestic violence and abusive relationships. As beautiful as marriage is, it is not a do or die affair. It is important for you to choose your partner carefully in order to have the best out of the union.
You cannot feign ignorance if you end up in an abusive marriage. It is either you failed to see the signs or you decided to ignore the signs you saw. The beauty of a relationship goes beyond being joined in holy matrimony; it is the life you live after being joined that matters most to people.
Since the society has made women a focal point of attention when marriage is to be discussed, we are going to let you know the major types of women every man wants to marry. Even though people around make women feel eerie about being single when they are in their late twenties, we will tell you the things you need to work on while you wait on your man.
If you are older than 25 and still single, it will be good for you to calm down and do the right thing. It will be painful for you to have to wait that long before getting married and still end up having a bad marriage.
Men have a mind of their own; irrespective of the shape you may have as a woman, there are certain things they look for when marriage is in view. Check out the types of women that will be every man’s dream woman any time any day:
1. The submissive woman
No one wants to know about your qualifications and the positions you occupy. If you are not submissive to your man, you are of no use. Men want to be in charge, knowing they have a spouse or a partner who makes them a priority thrills them.
Being rich and industrious is a plus if you are submissive. Being submissive does not make you a fool, you should never interpret this virtue as slavery.
2. The home keeper
Not all men are coordinated! Some find it difficult to put their acts together. Being in a relationship with a woman who can put the home and their affairs into order is important.
They are rest assured that everything is fine at home when they go source for money to keep the body and soul together. If you are beautiful and curvy without being able to render any help in the house, men will continue to use and dump you.
3. The woman who is not a liability
You do not have to be the CEO of any company for the world to see you are working. Men love women who are dedicated and hard-working.
These and other qualities are the things they will put together when the word ‘prospect’ comes up.
A woman is considered beautiful inside-out when the men know she can fend for herself and not depend solely on them. It is not fun when a party gets to drop money every time while the other party is not yielding.
If marriage is on your mind, you have to invest in yourself before expecting any man to place his money on you.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Only INEC Can reverse result of APC..Oyegun details on..

Only INEC can reverse result of APC primary in Ondo – Oyegun
By Seun Opejobi on October 5, 2016
The National Chairman of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun, on Tuesday, said the outcome of the party’s governorship election in Ondo State can only be upturned by the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC.
The APC chairman made the remark while addressing State House Correspondents after meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari over the difference between him and a national leader of the party, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu.
Tinubu had called for the resignation of Oyegun following the emergence of former President of the Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, Chief Rotimi Akeredolu.
Akeredolu emerged as the APC candidate from a primary election that was purportedly marred by electoral irregularities.
Following alleged irregularities that marred the primary on September 3, 2016 in Ondo State, the party’s Appeal Committee had recommended the cancellation and conduct of a fresh primary election .
Despite the recommendation of the appeal panel, the national leadership of the party submitted
Akeredolu’s name to INEC as its governorship candidate.
Speaking yesterday on whether the party would consider a change of mind following the controversy generated by the result, Oyegun said, “It is only INEC (the Independent National Electoral Commission) that can make a U-turn on the Ondo primary.”
Oyegun further disclosed that all that transpired in the Ondo primary election are contained in the report of the chairman of the primary election committee.
Thank you for your time

Reps demand Emefiele's sack over persistent fall of naira

– For some months now, it has been a free fall for the naira, Nigeria’s currency and this has troubled the citizens
– At a session of the House of Representatives on Wednesday, October 5, some lawmakers demanded Godwin Emefiele’s sack as CBN governor
The fear that Godwin Emefiele may have begun the journey to his removal as the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) emerged on Wednesday, October 5, 2016, after the House of Representatives set up an ad-hoc committee to investigate how the foreign exchange released to Bureau de change operators is utilised.
Some members of the House of Representatives are demanding Emefiele’s removal
The committee was set up after some members of the House, through a motion, further demanded for Emefiele’s sack following the naira’s free fall against the dollar.
In the motion titled: ‘Call for investigation of the Central Bank of Nigeria’s forex policies’, and sponsored by Ali Isa, a member of the House, the members lamented that despite CBN’s policies, the country’s currency has continued to perform badly in the foreign exchange market.
AKINSPIRATION WORDVIEWER have it that that a member of the House, Mojeed Alabi, in his contribution, noted that Emefiele had rebuffed many invitations to discuss some of the bank’s policies.
He said: “Over the falling of the naira, the CBN governor and his team should be sacked.”
In his contribution, Wale Raji, another member of the House, described Nigeria as the only country that relies on the black market.
“Who is in charge of our Forex CBN or the black market? This is the only country in the world where the black market rates are quoted on television.
“If Nigeria were to be a normal country, the CBN governor and his team should be sacked,” he said.
Further talking about the motion, the minority leader of the House, Leo Ogor, urged his colleagues to liaise with the executive arm for a lasting solution, adding: “The only thing we do is pay lip service.”
The Northern Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) had also called on Mr Godwin Emefiele to resign within 21 days or transform the country for good.

#1billion was used just to supply Dictionaries... click here to see where and how it happened in Nigeria.

– A Federal High Court has ordered the arrest of chairman, Senate committee on Appropriation, Danjuma Goje
– The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in a Facebook post dislclosed the news
– The former governor has been accused of illicitly giving a contract worth N1bn to supply dictionaries to secondary schools while he was governor of the state
Senator Danjuma Goje
A Federal High Court sitting in Jos, Plateau State, has ordered the arrest of Senator Danjuma Goje, a former governor of Gombe state, for not appearing in court.
Daily Post reports that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in a Facebook post noted that Goje, might be arrested by the anti-graft agency on today, October 4, if he failed to show up in court.
The statement read in parts: “A Federal High Court, sitting in Jos, Plateau State, on October 4, 2016 (Tuesday) issued a bench warrant against former Governor of Gombe State, Danjuma Goje, for refusing to show up in court.
“The warrant is, however, to take effect by 8am on October 5, 2016, if he fails to show up in court again.”
At the last sitting, a prosecution witness, Salisu Abaji, said the ex-governor awarded a contract for the supply of dictionaries for over N1bn to Gombe State Universal Basic Education Board without following procurement process.
READ ALSO: Police Arrest Senator Danjuma Goje
He was also allegedly said to have paid 85 per cent of the contract sum upfront to the supplier, Real and Integrated Hospitality Company, as against the prescribed 15 per cent as contained in the Universal Basic Education Board (UBEB) guidelines when he was the governor.
The prosecution witness, who is a former secretary to UBEB, made this testimony against his former boss.
He further submitted that one Aliyu el-Naffty, former UBEB chairman, also an accused person standing trial along with Goje, awarded the contract the same day and ordered the advance payment based on the directive of the then governor.
READ ALSO: How Danjuma Goje Forged Documents – Witness
This is not the first time Goje has been arrested. It was reported that the ex- governor was visiting his local government, Akko, when he was apprehended by the commissioner of police for an undisclosed reason or formal charge.
The serving senator was said to have been released although the reason for his arrest is still unknown. Danjuma Goje, took office as the governor of Gombe State on 29 May 2003. He became a Senator for Gombe Central on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the April 2011 elections.

See this woman who got rid of her fibroid without surgery.

How Nkechi got rid of her fibroid without surgery
fibroid cure
About three years ago I passed out at work and was rushed to the hospital. At that time, I was on my menstrual period and had very heavy bleeding.
My periods were very heavy for the first three to four days and I would have to wear both pads and tampons at the same time. The bleeding was so bad that I had to change both of them every 2 hours.
I normally stay at home on the first three days of my period but on this particular day I needed to be at the office to sign some very important paperwork. About thirty minutes before leaving for the day I fainted. My co-workers rushed me to the hospital. While there the doctor told me that I lost a lot of blood and he wanted to give me a blood transfusion. I declined that treatment. I declined the blood transfusion because I didn’t need it since I wasn’t dying.
I was just anemic from having heavy menstrual periods. The doctor was not pleased with my decision but he didn’t force the issue and I was sent home later that night with some drugs.
My struggle with fibroid
The reason my periods were so heavy at that time was because of the three fibroid I had in my uterus. I first found out about them back in 2012 and in 2013 I had them removed with surgery. Two years later they came back even bigger. My doctor wanted to schedule another surgery but if it didn’t work the first time why would I go under the knife again for a second time? So I decided to just deal with the pain and heavy bleeding and search for a natural way to get rid of them FOR GOOD!
Searching for natural ways to get rid of my fibroids was not easy. I saw several advertisements ofall kinds of treatments to shrink fibroids. I was a little skeptical but I was desperate to get rid of the fibroids so I tried one in particular which didn’t work. I was still having heavy painful bleeding with lots of clots. I noticed that the soreness in my breast was gone, but after going for another scan, I was told that my fibroids were still there. I was so discouraged that I scheduled an appointment with my doctor to discuss other possibilities for removing the fibroids.
About two months later, while surfing onthe internet I saw a post on Facebook talking about how to get rid of fibroid naturally without surgery. I was very skeptical about it. I didn’t even bother to follow the link in the post to read more. Two days later, as I sat alone in the sitting room feeling hopeless about my fibroid, I decided to go on Facebook and see if I can still access the post I saw two days earlier, thank God I was able to get it. I reluctantly gave the Natural product a try …it just made sense.On September17 of 2015, I began the Fibroid Shrinking program as seen on
2015: The Turning Point
After being on this program for about 2 and half months, my period was no longer heavy as before. Usually my periods would last 8 days, with 3 – 4 days being very heavy. I would also spot a lot in between my periods but the spotting stopped, with 2 days of heavy bleeding and my cycle lasting for only 5 days. Once this happened I cancelled my appointment with my doctor and stayed loyal to my program
The final result
Like I said earlier, I had 3 fibroid. One was growing inside my uterus and the other two were inside the walls of my uterus. The largest fibroid was the size of a grapefruit. When I got my results back from a scan I went for, the result shows that I only had one fibroid inside the wall of my uterus and that it was the size of a small apple. So two fibroids completely dissolved away and the largest one was the size of a small apple instead of a grapefruit. Since I wasn’t having any problems with my periods and 2 out of the 3 fibroid were gone, I decided to just continue with the program and go on with my life.
Fibroids completely gone
Two months later, I went for another scan and to my surprise and that of my doctor, my fibroid were gone. My doctor kept going over and over the scan result to make sure she was reading it correctly. She couldn’t believe that all of my fibroids were gone without surgery. My uterus was back to its normal size and my periods are now 3 days long. She asked me what I did to make them go away and I told her “ I did what I should have done back in 2013. There are not enough words to explain the happiness I have now. I wish I knew about this program when I first had fibroids but as the saying goes ‘things happen for a reason'”.
I am so thrilled with my experience that I inspire others to experience for themselves the profound transformation this fibroid treatment program offers.
I strongly recommend you visit in case you know someone who has fibroid. It has changed my life and now I’m free!

See the Skeletal part of 2017 Budget as presented by the President

Wednesday, October 5, 2016
President Muhammadu Buhari had, on Tuesday, sent a draft of 2017 budget, highlighting the spending skeleton for 2017 annual budget for the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The Skeletal frame of 2017 spending by the Federal Government stood at $22.57 billion (6.866 Trillion Naira). The budget draft, which must be passed by the Senate before forwarding the final budget, exceeded 2016 budget by 806 million US. Dolars.
The draft sent to the legislative chamber was planned on exchange rate of N290 to 1 US Dollar and Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Akinspiration Wordviewer says thank you for your time.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

Dentention of Dasuki Unlawful:See what ECOWAS did.

– The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court of Justice has ruled that detention of former national security adviser Sambo Dasuki’s by the Nigerian government was unlawful.

– The government had argued that Dasuki was detained for his own protection and for the sake of national security

– Government’s lawyers had also denied that Dasuki ever fulfilled the conditions for his bail and was not released as ordered by three high courts

Sambo Dasuki says his rights have been violated

The ECOWAS Court of Justice has declared the arrest and detention of former national security adviser Sambo Dasuki by the Nigerian government as unlawful.

Ruling on the case brought against the federal government before it by Dasuki over his continued detention on Tuesday, October 4, the court said the government’s action was arbitrary and anti-democratic.

A three-member panel led by Justice Friday Nwoke ruled that the government was wrong in arresting Dasuki without a search warrant. It ruled that the pattern of arrest was contrary to the provisions of Section 28 of the Nigerian Police Act.

The court ruled that the federal government failed to prove the reasons for the arrest and detention of Dasuki because documents presented before it only mentioned the allegations of fraud and illegal possession of arms.

For this, the government was then ordered to pay a sum of N15 million as damages to Dasuki.

According to Premium Times report, Dasuki had filed a N500million lawsuit against the government for keeping him detained since December 29, 2015 even after three different high courts where he was arraigned on corruption charges granted him bail


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