Friday 5 November 2021


1. Cut the leaves into pieces.
2. Rinse in clean water.
3. Put in a clean pot with clean water.
4. Boil for 10mins.
5. Filter it in a bottle.
Allow to cool and take a glass cup. When you urinate check your urine. You will notice the salt in the body and some other diseases that can affect your KIDNEY will pass through your urine. 

Wednesday 3 November 2021


Charcoal is something you must have on you all the time. In Case you never paid much attention, it's time to do it

What Is Activated Charcoal?
Activated charcoal is a fine black powder made from bone char, coconut shells, peat, petroleum coke, coal, olive pits or sawdust.

Here are the benefits of charcoal you never thought of:

1. Does your shoe smell bad? Just buy charcoal and put it in it.

2.  Do you have a bad smell in your room? Drop Charcoal that you think the smell might come from.

3. Does your refrigerator or freezer have a smell? Put a piece of coal in it.

4. Do you have a strong body smell? Just make a charcoal powder and use. Charcoal is very good to get rid of the bad smell.

5. Have you ever wondered why your parents always pick up the ashes of the coal pot to pour in the hen or toilet before sweeping? It was to get rid of the smell.

6. If you want your vegetables to be fresh all the time, make a solution with charcoal and leave your vegetables.

7. Nowadays, people complain about the use of fertilizer on plants and vegetables, making them unhealthy and toxic. If you have charcoal, you don't have to worry about it. All you need to do is leave the vegetables in a charcoal solution during the night and it will take care of the toxins.

8. If you suspect that a food contains too many chemicals, simply drop them in a charcoal solution for a few hours and you are ready to leave.

9. If you want to whiten your teeth, don't pay attention to all these ads on chemicals and bleaching technology. Just get charcoal and catch a plantain stem. Make a powder on charcoal, crush the end of the plantain stem, soak in charcoal powder and brush your teeth with a week.

10. Did your peanut or palm soup go wrong? You don't have to worry about everything. Just put it on fire and drop a piece of charcoal. This will extract all the bad taste and smell and restore soup to its fresh state.

11. Do you have a hangover of a drink with friends the previous night? Just have charcoal with you and chew on it. To make it more effective, make it a nice solution and drink. You're good at it.

12.  If you have made a wild mix and you think it can bring you down, add charcoal to the mix and your problem will be solved. Or if you've taken too much alcohol, just drink a charcoal solution and you're ready to go.

13. Do you have a situation where someone's injury has become so infected that doctors say they have to cut the affected area? Don't insist on it, take a large amount of coal powder and pour it on the wound. This will help extract all the poison from the wound and help it heal faster. If you have a cup and you want to treat it quickly, take charcoal powder and pour on it.

14. Do you feel like your water is contaminated? You don't need all these products on the market. Charcoal can do better, just drop part of it. Don't worry about the color, for sure, you can even chew charcoal. It's a lot safer than eating kfc chicken.

15. Do you have pimples, acne or skin disease that you really want to get rid of or do you want a very smooth face or skin? All you need is charcoal. Make a thick solution and apply it on your body and leave it for a few hours before taking your bath. It will leave your skin fresh and fresh.

16. Do you have a persistent stain in your kitchen, bathroom or tiles? You really need charcoal to get rid of it. I know you imagine how this black terrazzo product can actually eliminate stains? Try it, it works like magic.

17. If you ate or drank something and you feel swollen, Charcoal is the best solution to get rid of bloating.

18. Make a solution and drink help eliminate all the bad cholesterol you stored in you. Charcoal can treat all ulcers. Take the habit of always chewing.

19. Charcoal is very goldfish. They move away from evil spirits, fumes from malicious people and negative influences of the places. Before Adjusting, put coal and garlic in a bowl in each of the parts of the house to occupy for 3 JRS. The 4th Jr, remove it all and bury it without touching them in an no corner. Coal and garlic will have cleaned the place.

20. You got hurt, pour some coal powder and you'll see.

21. Headache, a teaspoon of coal drink and you'll see.

22. Stomach aches, a teaspoon of coal and evil goes away the next minute.

23. It treats diarrhoea, Amoeba, injuries (Ash outside that it's an antibiotic, it's more than medical alcohol), and in the metaphysical field, coal aspires to negative elements or entities on the body , water to drink, bath (just some 2 OR 3 Pieces) and in houses (house corners a little salt).

24. Constipation; you have done 3 days without going to the WC. Piece and you will go to the wc that same day

25. It's the sovereign drug against viruses including aids virus. He doesn't kill viruses, but he has the ability to neutralize them so that they are in the body and remain harmless.

26. Coal also cures migraines.

27. A handful of salt d plus, a piece of coal at the end to extract the excess of salt.

28. Charcoal also softens the influence of chilli either in the mouth or in the eyes.

29. It is used in stopping severe diarrhoea.

30. For ulcer mix with sugar and for effective dental hygiene also mixed with lemon to brush.

Saturday 30 October 2021


What an expert advises pregnant women to eat for essential nutrients..
A Benin-based paediatrician, Dr Victoria Osamuyi, has advised pregnant women to increase their intake of fruits for their nutrients that are essential during pregnancy and in order to enable the growth of the foetus.

Osamuyi, who gave the advice in an interview with Newsmen on Saturday, in Benin, added that fruits can provide vitamins, folate, fibre, and more, that would keep the woman and baby healthy.
“These nutrients can also help to relieve some of the common symptoms of pregnancy.
“Making healthy food choices is crucial for women when they are pregnant. Their diet will provide the foetus with the nutrients essential for growth and development.
“Every nutritious diet plays an important role in a person’s overall health, helping the body to function effectively and reduce the risk of some diseases.
“Most people are aware that a healthful diet should include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthful fats 
“However, they may not realize that specific fruits are particularly beneficial during pregnancy”, she said.
Osamuyi said that eating a healthy varied diet was particularly important during pregnancy, as the right nutrients can help the foetus to develop and grow as it should.
“In addition to supporting the growing baby, an increased intake of vitamins and minerals can help a pregnant woman keep her own body in the best condition possible”, she added. 

Tuesday 11 September 2018



By Dr. Myles Munroe.

The Greatest Act Of Leadership Is Mentoring.

If what you learn, achieve, accumulate or accomplish dies with you then you are a generational failure.

Mentoring is the manifestation of the highest level of personal maturity, security and self confidence.

An insecure person will never Train People, they will oppress people.

Mature people create people greater than themselves.

Your assignment has a shelf life.

You will die one day; so train your replacement.

Your Greatest Gift to the world is your mentee.

True leaders do not seek followers, followers are attracted to true leaders.

The Greatest obligation of true leadership is to transfer your deposit to the next generation.

Leadership success is measured by the success of your successor.

No matter how great you may have been, if you didn't produce a successor, you are a failure.

You preserve what you built through mentorship.

Legacy is about preserving all that you've built by raising other people.

Success without a successor is failure.

Leadership that serves only it's generation is destined to failure.

If your vision dies with you, you have failed.

Legacy is about living beyond your grave.

Leadership Is not a Sprint but a relay.

The most important part of a relay is passing it on-not running.

The ultimate measure of true leadership is not to maintain followers but to produce leaders.

True leadership measures it's success by the diminishing dependency factor of its followers.

The ultimate measure of leadership is the ability to leave.

True leadership makes itself increasingly unnecessary.

You are a successful leader when your followers can lead others.

Your goal as a leader is to destroy the dependency of the people around you.

You are a great leader when your people don't need you.

Make people greater than you and you will live forever.

True leaders do not seek power.

True leaders seek to empower.

True leaders make themselves increasingly unnecessary.

Never confuse your position with your value.

The ultimate goal of true leadership is not to maintain followers but to produce leaders.

The first act of a true leader is identifying your replacement and you begin mentoring them.

You become great by producing people greater than yourself.

When you produce someone greater than yourself, don't get jealous. Take the credit.

When you train your replacement, you are freed to expand your work.

When you mentor people, your legacy will make your tombstone unnecessary.

Thursday 25 January 2018


5 Health Benefit Of Cucumber

The cucumber is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, along with squash and different kinds of melon. Cucumbers are high in water and low in calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
Below are five health benefit of cucumber:

Skin Care

Cucumber is rich in silica, which is an essential component that aids in developing strong and healthy connective tissues in the muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and bone. Doctors often recommend cucumber juice because of the silica content for a healthier and brighter skin. Cucumber’s high water content makes it naturally hydrating, and it is well known that moisture is the best friend to healthy skin, so why not acquire the hydration naturally. The extract of cucumbers is often used topically for treating various types of skin ailments like sunburn and swelling under the eyes. Ascorbic and caffeic acid are the two vital compounds in cucumbers that prevent water loss from the body. These are some of the reasons why cucumbers are applied topically for various skin problems. You will be quite surprised to know that this squash also promotes healthy hair growth and can treat skin ailments like psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

Prevent Constipation & Kidney Stones

Cucumbers are a perfect blend of both fiber and water. Therefore, they help to protect your body from constipation and kidney stones. Reports say that a majority of Americans prefer to have a cucumber rich salad regularly as it is a great way to increase the fiber intake. Cucumber is also a good source of vitamin C, silica, potassium, and magnesium; which have their own health benefits. These fruits have an extraordinary amount of water (about 96%) that is naturally purified, thus making the water content much higher in quality than ordinary water. Cucumber skin contains high levels of vitamin A, so you will gain more nutrition if you eat the entire thing.

Control Blood Pressure

The studies done at DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) consisted of people consuming foods high in magnesium, potassium, and fiber. The results were clear; their blood pressure lowered to normal levels. The group eating a diet rich in these complexes along with the other foods on the diet like seafood, low-fat dairy items, lean meat, and poultry saw their blood pressure falling by 5.5 points (systolic) over 3.0 points (diastolic). Cucumber, therefore, regulates blood pressure and contributes to the proper structure of connective tissues in our body, including those in the muscles, bones, ligaments, cartilage, and tendons.

Manage Diabetes

Cucumbers have been used for diabetic patients for many years. They possess a hormone required by the beta cells during insulin production. The glycemic index (GI) of cucumbers is actually zero. The presence of carbohydrates and their result on the body is measured by the quantity of glycemic index (GI). Every food item contains essential nutrients in different percentages. The carbohydrates contribute in raising the glucose level, however, the ones present in the cucumber can be easily digested by diabetic patients. Thus, consumption of this cool fruit keeps the glucose level in check. Nowadays, most commercial stores have cucumber supplements as spiny sea cucumber extract powder, which is very effective in combating the effects of diabetes.

Maintain Overall Health

Cucumbers have excellent cleaning properties, and they actively remove accumulated waste and toxins from your body. These fruits are very good for optimizing urinary bladder, kidney, liver and pancreatic functions. Cucumber juice along with carrot juice is extremely effective for rheumatic conditions caused by excessive uric acid in the body. Drinking cucumber juice on a regular basis also helps to cure gout and eczema. If you are having lung or stomach problems, be sure to add it to your diet. It also promotes muscle flexibility, while the magnesium content of cucumbers ensures proper blood circulation and relaxed nerves. Since cucumbers are rich in minerals, they even prevent splitting of the finger and toenails. Cucumbers often act as antioxidants when you consume them with barbecued and fried foods.


The phytochemicals in onion s improve the working of Vitamin C in the body, thus gifting you with improved immunity.
Onions contain chromium, which assists in regulating blood sugar.
•For centuries, onions have been used to reduce inflammation and heal infections.
• Do you enjoy sliced onions with your food? If yes, rejoice! Raw onion encourages the production of good cholesterol (HDL), thus keeping your heart healthy.
• A powerful compound called quercetin in onions is known to play a significant role in preventing cancer.
• Got bitten by a honeybee? Apply onion juice on the area for immediate relief from the pain and burning sensation.

• Onions scavenge free radicals, thereby reducing your risk of developing gastric ulcers.
•Those bright green tops of green onions are rich in Vitamin A, so do use them often.
•My favorite way to enjoy onions is to slice them really thin, squeeze some lemon juice on top and add a little salt. Sprinkling a few freshly washed cilantro leaves adds fragrance and flavor to this simple, quick salad, without which no dinner of mine is complete.
Tips on cutting onions without tears
Those pesky, stinging tears that go along with chopping up an onion are such a pain! Luckily, though, these tears can be easily avoided if you know what you’re doing and you have the proper equipment. Read on for the proper way to cut an onion. As an added bonus, discover the best techniques for caring for “onion eyes” on the following page.
So why do onions make you cry in the first place? Well, it’s all about the enzymes. Cutting into an onion breaks cells, and causes different enzymes to interact with each other to produce a whole new enzyme. This enzyme irritates your eyes, which creates tears.
How to cut an onion
•Cut a small portion off the top of the onion.
•From the root down, cut the onion in half.
• Peel and discard skin.

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• With the flat side down, cut parallel, evenly spaced slices into the onion. Don’t cut all the way to the root.
• With your knife parallel to your cutting board, cut slices that stop before the root end.
• Cut through your first round of slices.
Other tips:
Make sure that your knife is as sharp as possible. A chef’s knife is ideal here.
You can freeze onions or let them sit in cool water for about 20 minutes before chopping to reduce tears.
Having the hood vent on can reduce irritation.
Dicing with a piece of bread in your mouth has been known to alleviate symptoms.
You can even use goggles to stop the sting.
How to treat the tears:
The best thing to do is wash your hands with soap and water. Splashing cool water in your face, or placing a damp towel over your eyes, can also help.
Never mind the tears they bring on—onions are an ace ally in your fight against disease. A prized member of the lily family, they lavish you with health benefits while adding oodles of taste to your food.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Effective Application Form and Cover

Effective Application Forms and Cover Letter!
Most people tend to find having to complete application forms a 'pain in the backside'. But as they say, "no pain, no gain"! Whilst the majority of UK Employers in the Private Sector prefer to receive CV's, quite a number do not – they request you fill in a form. In the Public Sector the reverse is generally true, and in some parts of that sector, such as Local Authorities, it promises to be an automatic requirement!
Here are a few practical tips;
• If you are a 'bit messy' then get the form photo-copied first and start by using that!
• Follow all the instructions; ie Use Back Ink so they can copy the form!
• Have the Job Advert, Job Description and Person Specification to hand
• Make sure you address all the Employers stated requirements by spelling out clearly on your application that you meet his / her requirements. ie Show you match their needs as far as you can!
• If you add additional pages, put your name and Job applied for at the top of each – they may get detracted inadvertently when opened!
• Check everything through thoroughly, check spellings and grammar.
• Take a copy for your own use and to prepare if you are interviewed.
• Consider whether you need an accompanying letter, not usually required with an Application Form, although some Employers' do ask for one!
• Use as large an envelope as possible because if it's folded many times and crumpled up that will not give a very good impression.
• Remember the closing date and post it in good time!
Covering letters:
These are usually used with CVs and there are some of a much larger topic, like I said about CVs and I can not possibly give you all the low down. However I can give you some important practical tips and guidelines, again from my extensive personal experience.
• Use single sheet, good quality A4 paper – usually white
• Get it word – processed, except the advertisement specified 'please send a hand – written covering letter'
• Remember "Dear Mr …" or "Dear Mrs …" at start, – "Yours sincerely", at the end
• OR Dear Sir / Madam at start, – Yours faithfully, at the end.
• Do not repeat yourself by re-hashing the CV, keep it short, otherwise they will not get into the CV itself.
• Three short paragraphs should do: An opening one to make clear which Job you are enclosing your CV for, remember they may have more than one kind of Job advertised. A middle paragraph which clearly picks out how your experience and background fits with what they want. Very brief main point or two only! A final one which ends positively, ie do not say 'I hope to hear from you'. It's better to say "I look forward to hearing from you shortly" etc.
• Finally, do make sure you include your full postal address and current Telephone Number and email address if you have one. You would be amazed how many people get that wrong or miss part or all of it out!


Graduate Credit Officers at Initiative for Education & Development (IDEE), Wednesday 24, January 2018

Initiative for Education & Development (IDEE) is a Non-Governmental Organization implementing social development programmes to support poverty reduction, sustainable livelihoods and human capacity development with project offices in Abuja, Abeokuta & Damaturu.

Initiative for Education & Development (IDEE) – Financial Inclusion and Empowerment (IDEE – FINER) programme seeks to promote, restore and maximize the comfort of small scale businesses, functioning in communities through increasing access of women to affordable loans and also enlightening them through strategic capacity building programs. This programme works with groups and group leaders to mobilize communities in the catchment area to accept and make use of micro-credit services that will lead to identifying community members need and support.


JOB TITLE:   Credit Officer, in Initiative for Development and Education (IDEE) – Financial Inclusion and Empowerment (FINER) programme. You will remain part of the Programme team and admin staff.

LOCATION:  Waru community and Environs, FCT, Abuja

Reporting to: Programme Officer, IDEE

Your responsibilities are not but limited to the following;
Report to and work closely with the Programme Officer of IDEE
Facilitate the collection of loans on a weekly or monthly basis.
Monitor members and loans and not compromise standards for bank books, bank reconciliation and other services.
Prepare weekly and monthly financial reports
Initiate and facilitate financial inclusion strategies, financial products and services
Conduct due diligence and risk assessments on members
Track cash management between group leaders and members
Conduct financial literacy, business development and money management
Facilitate non-financial service and capacity building activities in the community
Submit to PO timely informative reports, summarising progress made in implementation of activities, lessons learnt, and recommendations for improvement including ad hoc reports and human interest stories that may be needed towards outputs and objectives of the Women’s Empowerment Programme (WEP)
Submit situational and any other non-routine reports when necessary or when asked to
Support the identification of potential new and better-fit approaches that can be developed and piloted in FINER

She/he must have up to 1-2 years experience in Project Cycle Management and managing organizational resources with excellent analytical professional report writing capacity.
Proven track record of financial management, capacity building/training for stakeholders including at community level and for local institutions
Solid knowledge and understanding of community-based approaches to development and Micro-credit scheme

A team player, analytical thinker, innovator and strategic thinker
Excellent planning, co-ordination, and prioritization skills
Strong facilitation, diplomatic, and interpersonal skills
Good command of writing in English
Excellent communication and team-working skills with the ability to build good relations, both internally and externally
Good computer knowledge with command of MS Office packages
Ability to facilitate training to community-based organizations
Ability to work in a multicultural, diverse and performance related environment
Proactive approach to problem solving
Ability to work independently with minimal direction

Gender and intercultural sensitivity
Willing to work additional hours at crucial times
Positive outlook and stand-alone disposition
Adaptable and responsive disposition relative to the demands and development of the project

First degree in Accounting, Social Sciences, Humanities or Sciences
Committed to IDEE’s Vision, Mission and Values
Knowledge and understanding of working with Community-Based Organizations
Experience in the development space and a project management certification are an added advantage

Interviews: 27th January, 2018.

Interested and qualified candidates with experiences and skills that fits this role, Please send one-page cover letter and CV Address it to the Programme Manager Initiative for Education & Development (IDEE), Tudun-wada, Lugbe via:

Kindly note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
Indicate the Job title and location as subject of the mail, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
IDEE is an equal opportunities organization, women and other marginalized groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

DUE DATE: 26 January, 2018


Corruption and its deadly effects
A time of grave social and economic tension is a time to again examine the role corruption has played in shaping the opportunities available for Nigerians, especially the middle and working class and the poor.Nigeria, a country with great income inequality and a predominantly young population, is ravaged by internecine conflicts, from creeks of the Niger Delta through to the semi-arid region of Maiduguri. Millions worry about their ability to earn a decent livelihood and while most display extraordinary resilience, there is an underlying rumble of discontent, that can easily result in the destructive behaviour that tears countries to pieces.

Nigeria is blessed with an abundance of natural resources, especially the crude oil that has been the great source of energy powering the global economy for the last 60 years. The export of crude has generated hundreds of billions of dollar yet the country’s stock of fixed infrastructure is extremely substandard and good jobs are hard to find. The country is constantly rated low on the UN Development Index and high in ratings of corruption. Corruption is so pervasive, that it has become a culture and in all its forms, is the accepted practice for getting things done. The country is paying a high price as corruption reduces the efficiency of resource allocations and greatly degrades returns to the capital investments that should be the basis of economic competitiveness and job creation.

Each time a corrupt act occurs, the country stagnates in a way that may not be readily discernible to the actors but in a manner that unravels the moral fabric of the country, devalues its institutions and rules, and corrodes national values. However, the most alarming fact is the continued inability of the government to confront corruption, an inability that is based on complicity, implicit ignorance of the impact of corruption, plain selfishness and lack of will and courage to tackle the scourge. Nigeria will not become a great country until corruption is eradicated and the longer government tarries in actually fighting corruption, the greater the gap between the capability of the country to create jobs and actual job creation will be. This is compounded by the fact that crude oil is not only a declining resources, the demand for the commodity is slowly ebbing away. In essence, the effects of lack of investment in quality public education, infrastructure that has occurred over the last 30 years may be a condition that will be impossible to reverse unless there is an urgent drive to truly deal with corruption.

Government officials like to say that “corruption is fighting back” leaving one to wonder why corruption is not fighting back and winning in any advanced country or the major emerging economies. In fact, these countries understand the corrosiveness of corruption and make the identification and aggressive pushback against the menace a primary responsibility. The statement is clearly meant as a defense for an inability to tackle corruption effectively, a condition that should be unacceptable to all Nigerians. That a government that controls the judiciary, the police and the financial system cannot effectively check corruption rewards the corrupt and points towards a disdain for ordinary Nigerians.

Nigeria is a country where the extent of corruption, suggest that at least one top government official should be convicted for illegal enrichment each day, yet that is not the case. The lack of prosecution and convictions, demonstrates a lack of will to tackle the scourge. Statements from government officials, suggests reducing current incidences of corruption through administrative practices centered on making it difficult for current corruption to occur, in the public sector is the key strategy. That is surely the wrong strategy, as global best practices clearly show that the best deterrent is active investigation, prosecution and stiff sentences, regardless of who the accused person is.

Giving a lack of will for prosecuting a real war on corruption, incentives designed to compel the corrupt to bring back and invest their stolen loot in the economy is a tolerable alternative, as long as failure to comply, results in a full crackdown on the corrupt individual. The prevailing belief is that the federal government has a good picture, of those that are complicit but assuming that is not the case and in support if it is, the federal government should assemble a team of forensics experts to review all contracts – without any statute of limitation – and to work with the financial system, local and overseas, and foreign governments, institutions and partners to compile a comprehensive list of the corrupt and their ill-gotten assets.

Implementation will require creating a window of a few years to bring money back without penalty and conversations and agreements with the corrupt that the full might and power of the EFCC and the judiciary will be unleashed if stolen money is not thus repatriated and invested in the economy. It will require the creation of a special anti-corruption court system that reduces the ability of lawyers to delay trials and with full power to sentence the corrupt in accordance with the laws that specify the amount of jail time an individual will serve for stealing the country’s treasure. The effect of the incentive will include tremendous capital inflows into the country, stimulating investment in the many attractive business opportunities in the country. It will also begin to take the country back to the dominant values of hard work and disdain rather than admiration for the corrupt. It will ensure that upcoming generation of leaders and workers place a premium on the making Nigeria great and will begin to erode the corruption culture. It will also impact the attractiveness of the country to foreign direct investment. Nigeria saw the impact of low level corruption on job creation and development in the 1970s. This was a golden era when Nigerian skilled workers built refineries, infrastructure for power generation, transmission and distribution, as well landline telecommunication system. Seaports were built and expanded, cars and buses were assembled, great networks of roads were built, paper mills and petrochemical plants were constructed and Nigeria was well on the way to becoming a strong middle income country.

Returning to anything close to that level of real development and growth requires tackling the scourge of corruption with great courage and policy vision. The outcome will massive job creation and significant reduction in the incidence of terrorism, kidnapping, armed robbery, deadly clashes between herdsmen and farmers, trans-Sahara flight to Europe and slavery in Libya and the many grave social issues that now assail the country. The alternative is a continued deterioration in the trustworthiness of public officials and increasing room for anarchy. A government that fails to tackle corruption, with all its power, authority and might, is simply fostering the slow growth that a country of 180 million people don’t need and the attendant negative outcomes.
• Ijose is policy analyst based in the United States of America.

Tuesday 23 January 2018


The deadly disease, Lassa fever, has spread to Ondo state
- The Ondo state government confirmed that the disease has spread to four local government areas
- It, however, stated that efforts have been put in place to contain the further spread of the disease
The Ondo state government has confirmed 24 cases of Lassa fever and five deaths from the deadly disease in four local government areas in the state.
The Ondo state commissioner for information and orientation, Yemi Olowolabi, confirmed this to newsmen, Channels TV reports.
AKINSPIRATION TEAM gathered that the affected local government areas are Owo, Akoko southwest, Akure north and Akure south.
Owolabi, however, said that the government had strengthened its medical apparatuses in all its specialist hospitals to contain the spread of the disease.
He said that the isolation centre at the Federal Medical Centre in Owo had also been strengthened to take adequate care of patients so as to effectively check the spread of the disease.
The commissioner stated that government was embarking on sensitisation of the public on unclean habits that could aid the spread of Lassa fever in the state.
AKINSPIRATION TEAM previously reported that public and private schools in Ebonyi state shut down on Thursday, January 18, to check the spread of Lassa fever outbreak in the state had been reopened.
John Eke, the commissioner for education in Ebonyi, told NAN on Monday, January 22, in Abakaliki, that the schools were reopened as no new case of the disease was reported since Thursday, January 18.
NAN reports that government announced the closure of the schools for seven days, beginning from Thursday, January 18, but rescinded its decision due to the timely check of the disease.
The commissioner commiserated with the families that lost their loved ones to the killer disease and urged all residents to always keep their environment clean.

Monday 22 January 2018


Information Centres have it that  Nigerian Peace Corps Bill eventually arrived Presidency for signing into law.Copies of the bill which was tagged ‘Nigerian Peace Corps (Establishment) Bill 2017 was said to have been transmitted to President Muhammadu Buhari Wednesday last week by the Clerk to the National Assembly, Mohammed Ataba Sani-Omolori.
Out of the 3 copies of the Bill sent, the Presidency was to retain a copy and the remaining 2 copies be returned to the National Assembly for “further action”, upon the President’s assent.
Senate had passed the Nigerian Peace Corps Bill on the 25th of November, 2016, shortly after the House of Representatives passed same.
A Conference Committee of both chambers was, however, inaugurated on the 8th of December, 2016, to harmonise the Bill passed at different levels.
The Reps, therefore, laid and adopted its report on the 19th of January, 2017, while the Senate only adopted its report on 25th July 2017, after Senator David Umaru-led committee on Judiciary and Human Rights recommended that the report be adopted.
Since July last year when the conference report was adopted, there have been agitations from members of the public, especially, the Nigerian youths, anxiously expecting the speedy assent of Mr. President.
Aside the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) and other bodies which had been curious about the seemingly delay in signing the bill, Elders and Traditional Chiefs from the 8 local governments areas of Bayelsa State also, fortnight ago, wrote to the President, demanding why the Bill had not been assented to.
While addressing the Youth Council in Abuja recently, the National Commandant of Peace Corps of Nigeria, Amb (Dr.) Dickson Akoh said the Nigerian Peace Corps Bill had not been sent to the President for assent yet.
He said, the legal department of the National Assembly had barely finished cleaning up the document and putting finishing touches to it
“To the best of my knowledge, I’m sure the Bill just got to the office of the Clerk to the National Assembly this week and by God’s grace, it will get to the President very soon”, Akoh explained.
Confirming the receipt of the Bill by the Presidency, the Special Adviser to the President on National Assembly Matters, Senator Ita Enang, said the President was already working on the Bill.
Enang who spoke to our Correspondent on Tuesday said, the Peace Corps Bill was among other bills sent to the President last week, saying “the President is working on it, in accordance with our standard operating procedures”.
The Nigerian Peace Corps (Establishment) Bill 2017, if signed into law, would give legal backing to the existing Peace Corps of Nigeria under the leadership of Mr. Akoh.
Part VIII (1) of the final version of the Bill before Mr. President reads, “The Peace Corps of Nigeria (in this section refered to as ‘Peace Corps’) existing before the commencement of this Act is dissolved”.
Subsections 5 and 6 of the same part VIII, however, allowed all serving members of the Peace Corps of Nigeria, both Regular and Volunteers, to be absolved into the Nigerian Peace Corps, at commencement.
The Bill also allows intending members between ages 18 and 35, other than the existing members of the PCN, to undergo one month mandatory orientation training.
The head of the Peace Corps, as stated in the Bill, shall be referred to as National Commandant, to be appointed by the President upon recommendations of the supervising Minister, for the period of 5 years which is renewable once.
The Nigerian Peace Corps, upon establishment, shall be domiciled with the Federal Ministry of Youths and Sports Development, under the supervision Honourable Minister.
The core mandates of the Corps is to develop, empower and provide gainful employment to the youths, in order to facilitate Peace, Volunteerism, Community Services, Neighbourhood Watch, nation-building and other related matters.
The duties of officers are mainly at the educational institutions within the country, and to carry out other functions as provided in the bill. Wishing the teaming youth all the best.


Women with fibroids need not worry any more. They  can be  assisted through laparoscopic surgery, Nordica Fertility Centre Medical Director, Dr Abayomi Ajayi, has said. He added that fibroid tumors in the uterus are common.
According to him, fibroids have no effect on reproductive ability, but sometimes can cause infertility or miscarriage, adding that if a woman notices anything like irregular or heavy menstrual cycle, bleeding between periods, pelvic or abdominal pain, fever or night sweats and increased abdominal girth in her body she should notify her doctor.
Ajayi added that if a woman, who is unsatisfied with her uterine health status, should seek medical assistance.
Inability to get pregnant, the medic said, are normal in a woman with fibroid. He, however, said there is no excuse for the woman to accept her fate, or seek assistance where she cannot get help.
Severe menstrual bleeding, prolonged pelvic or abdominal pain, dizziness, light-headedness, short breath, or chest pain from vaginal bleeding or vaginal bleeding from pregnancy or possible pregnancy, he said, are some of the symptons of fibriods.
Another fertility expert, Dr Ifeoluwa Oyetunji, described fibroids as abnormal growths in or on a woman’s uterus, adding that  the tumors   sometimes get large and cause severe abdominal pains and heavy periods.
Oyetunji explained that most women with uterine fibroids have no symptoms. “However, fibroids can cause some symptoms depending on their size, location within the uterus, and closeness to pelvic organs. These are most commonly abnormal bleeding, pain and pressure. So, fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the uterus that can develop during a woman’s child-bearing years,” she said.
According to her, the cause of uterine fibriods are unknown. “Fibroids tend to run in families and affected women often have a family history of fibroids. Women of African descent are two to three times more likely to develop fibroids than women of other races, she said.
She continued:“Fibroids grow in response to stimulation by the estrogen produced naturally in the body. These growths can show up as early as 20, but tend to shrink after menopause when the body stops producing large amounts of estrogen.
‘’Fibroids can be tiny and cause no problems, or they also can grow to  several pounds. Fibroids tend to grow slowly,” Oyetunji added.
She listed causes of fibroids as overweight, obesity, nulliparity (described as never having given birth to a child), starting menstrual period at under 10 years and being from African-American heritage (occurring three to nine times more often than in Caucasian women).

On the treatment for uterine fibroids, another fertility expert, Dr Funlola Biobaku, said it depends on the symptoms, size and location of the fibroids and age (how close the person is to menopause), the patient’s desire to have children  and the patient’s health.
She affirmed that laparoscopy is  good for treating fibroid. “Laparoscopy is a way of performing surgery. Instead of making a large incision (or cut) for certain operations, surgeons make tiny incisions and insert thin instruments and a camera into an area, such as the abdomen, to view the internal organs and repair or remove tissue.
“Laparoscopy was first performed in animals in the early 1900s, and the Swedish surgeon Jacobaeus coined the term laparoscopy (laparothorakoskopie) in 1901. However, better techniques were not developed until the 1960s, when laparoscopy was accepted as a safe and valuable procedure,” she said.
Ajayi noted that laparoscopy, sometimes referred to as keyhole surgery, was used only to diagnose conditions. ‘’Then doctors began to perform surgeries such as tubal ligation in women, using laparoscopy. The technique has evolved so much that operations that once required doctors to make a very large incision, such as removing the gallbladder, can now all be done with this less invasive surgery,” she said.
What merit does this have for patients? Ajayi said:“For patients, laparoscopy can often mean a faster recovery from surgery, less time in the hospital or outpatient surgery centre, and less trauma to the body. Doctors do not have to slice through large abdominal muscles to reach vital organs. And the service is available at Nordical Fertility Centres nationwide.”

Friday 19 January 2018


The importance of bitter leaf juice.
Many people today prefer "sweet medicine" to bitter, but how good is sweet for the health? Some medical experts belong to the school of thought that the longest life span in this century happens to be found in Asian countries like China because the people relish less sweet substances. Here we will present you with the unusual herb medicine that consists of bitter leaf. We will introduce you to the benefits of the scent leaf below.
Health benefits of bitter leaf
Bitter leaf is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals.Due to the presence of nutrients especially ß-carotene, it controls the synthesis of female gender hormones. This allows women to stay young and healthy for a longer duration of time. The wood ash of Bitter leaf can be used to treat fungal infections.It improves appetite.It is helpful in treating skin infections such as Ringworm.It increases the milk production in Lactating mothers.It cures a cough.It helps in treating itching and rashes.
It detoxifies the whole body.It is helpful in treating Hepatitis B.It tones ups the liver and the kidney.It provides instant relief from fatigue.It cures intestinal parasitic infections. It can be used for the contraction of the uterus during labour. It is a potent herb for STD.It cures a toothache.
It is used in pharmaceutic medicines as anti-helminths, laxative and as fertility inducers for barren women.It helps to build up the immune system. It is a useful herb for treating the problem of Memory Loss.It is helpful in curing Insomnia.Bitter Leaf is an excellent herbal treatment for combating Cancer. It does not allow cancer to spread to the different organs of the body.It is an effective cure for stomach ache and indigestion.
It curbs the problem of Piles.Its leaf juice is effective for treatment of Malaria. A concoction prepared from its leaf is an excellent herbal remedy for treating Skin Ailments like Eczema and Rashes.
Scientific researches on benefits of bitter leaf
A scientific study that substantiates these claims. A clinical trial of the traditional medicine Vernonia Amygdalina in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria was carried out in 2009 and published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
The study stated that leaves of Vernonia amygdalina were widely used in Africa to treat malaria and could be so because it was widely available, accessible and affordable in many remote areas that did not have ready access to modern medicines.
As bitter as it may taste, the health benefits of bitter leaf and bitter leaf juice go far above its bitter taste. It speeds up metabolism thereby reducing the chances of any consumer developing constipation and increasing the usage of the stored fat. It can be of great use to those who desire weight loss.
Bitter leaf juice relieves fever and feverish conditions as it has been stated earlier. It also helps to reduce high blood sugar level because it speeds up the rate of metabolism and glucose uptake by the cells of the body. This is good news for diabetic patients.
Bitter leaf juice works on skin rashes, eczema, ringworms and any superficial skin ailments; this is possible because bitter leaf has antibiotic and antifungal properties. It is also said to soothe and cure pile by experts.
To sum up, we will remind you that before using any herb, please consult your own doctor. If he agrees that this juice is good for you, so confidently use it. Hope you now have more knowledge about this magic bitterleaf juice. Best wishes in improving your health!

Do not suck the spot of snakebite (U.S Health Official tells Farmers)

Dangers in sucking the spot of snakebite ,
U.S.-based health official tells farmers
(By Aloysius Nlekwa)
Abakaliki, Dec. 12, 2017 (NAN) A U.S.-based Nurse, Alloysius Nlekwa, has advised farmers not to suck the spots where they were bitten by snakes while on their farms.
Nlekwa gave the advice on Tuesday in Abakaliki while delivering a lecture at a seminar on “Health and Environmental Management’’.
The seminar was organised for farmers by the Ebonyi Office of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Assisted Value Chain Development Programme (VCDP).
According to Nlekwa, the same measure should be applied when farmers are bitten or stung by scorpions and other creatures while on their farms.
“We want to correct the widely-held misconception that sucking the affected spots to extract the venom would stop its circulation inside the victim’s body rather it will worsen the situation.
“A farmer bitten on the hand for instance, should lower it to stop the venom from getting to the heart region, then thoroughly clean and wrap the affected spot with a neat cloth.
“The victim should then proceed to the hospital and inform the doctor the type of snake which bit him for prescription of the suitable anti-venom therapy or drug,’’ he said.
The IFAD–VCDP consultant also warned farmers not to apply oil or herbs on snake-bite spots because it would worsen their conditions.
“Farmers suffering from epilepsy should not go to the farm alone, to get immediate assistance in cases of sudden seizures.
“The level of modern health equipment in the U.S. for instance, cannot be compared with those in Nigeria and other developing countries which made us to stress on enlightenment to correct prevailing iss

How to make students develop interest in your teaching subject

Look for Ways to Make it Relevant and Fun – You and Your Students Will Come out Ahead

Making your students interested in a subject can be a real challenge. There are so many variables that can affect their engagement.

Lack of interest can be caused by difficultly concentrating, family problems, emotional difficulties, learning disabilities, and many other factors. Sometimes it’s just plain boredom – not everything is about fun all the time. Even the bubbling hormones running through the teenagers’ bodies can cause difficulty to concentrate on anything other than the schoolmate in the nearest chair.

Having said that, as a teacher, you still have to do your best and try to get them to learn at least the basics of any subject. Here you will have to become creative and try one or more of the following ways to get their attention and interest.

1 – Make them see it as part of their daily life

Try as hard as you can to find a way to relate the subject to their daily lives. It will make it much more likely for them to be invested in what you are explaining. For example, if the subject is literature, try to show what they can learn from the characters’ behaviour that they can apply to their own lives.

2 – Make it fun

Yes, sometimes, some subjects are just not fun. You are well aware of it, but you still have to teach this “boring” subject to them. How about making the learning process a bit more fun? You can try to create some kind of competition, or game, that can help them to learn, or maybe even use songs or videos. Sometimes, even a funny cartoon can be what you need to make them have a laugh and never forget the subject.

3 – Show the relevance to their future careers

Students think that, at the end of the day, they are at school so they can get ready to get good jobs in the future. This is how most of the people (parents included) see school nowadays, unfortunately. So take advantage of it, and try to relate your subject to how it can be applied in a work environment. Tell them all about how doctors, engineers, IT developers, writers or dancers can use that information to become successful.

4 – Let them participate in the whole process

If you want to see your students really engaged about something, let them participate. And not only after you distribute the tasks but from the very beginning. Ask them for input on the subject that will be presented, which resources will be used and how they will be evaluated. And talking of resources…

5 – Use multiple resources

To avoid students’ sleeping on their desks during your presentation, try using multiple resources. The human voice can be very hypnotizing to some people, and others are easy distracted by it, as you know. Bring videos, music, slideshows, toys and games, tell stories, bring in a special guest for a talk.

6 – Make it personal

Try to relate the subject to your own life and circumstances. You don’t necessarily have to tell a private story about yourself, but tell them something about how you felt when you got in touch with that subject for the very first time, or how you have applied it in your life so far.

7 – Leave the exams for later

Do not start the conversation about the new subject telling them about a test on the material. Unless the assessment will be more engaging and fun (think Project Base Learning, inquiry learning, etc), this should be the final part of the process and not a source of anxiety.

8 – Change the environment

Sitting in a classroom for a whole day is hardly anyone’s ideal day, especially if you are young and full of energy.

So why not move the class to a different environment and see how it affects their learning process? Try taking them to museums, beaches, for a nature walk, or even to the school’s backyard. Even the fresh air on their face might help to keep them alert and more interested.

9 – Make it achievable

If you scare them by saying that this is a very complex subject and that they will be in trouble if they don’t manage to learn it, you are bound to fail. Students usually overreact under pressure and don't see these messages as a challenge at all. Try to take steps that help them feel they are capable of learning the material.

10 – Understand their interests

And in order to make any of the tips above work, it is mandatory that you know your students’ interests. If you know about their hobbies and goals, you may be able to better relate the subject to their lives and that is it


Getting the best from your students might not be easy – but we should try to achieve it all the time, ‘boring’ subjects included. Remember that things have changed and what worked for you might not work for a class of children or teenagers nowadays. They have different demands and have to live up to new expectations, so be prepared to understand them and offer the best class you can.


Eight things Buhari Government must do for Nigerians _ Tinubu recommends

8 things Buhari gvernment must do for Nigerians _ Tinubu
Former Lagos State Governor, Bola Tinubu, has advised the Buhari government to be more proactive to ensure Nigerians feel its impact.
Tinubu said this in a paper he delivered at the Daily Trust dialogue.
Represented by a former ‎Commissioner for Finance in Lagos State, Olawale Edun, Tinubu highlighted 8 things the current administration must do to foster growth and development.
He said: “1. We are a populous nation with large, ever-growing cities. We need to provide jobs for this expanding urban population.
This means we must press forward with a national industrial policy by fostering strategic industries that will provide employment into the foreseeable future.
2. We need a national infrastructure plan that envisions a coherent and integrated infrastructural grid, as no national economy may grow beyond the capacity of the infrastructure that serves it. This particularly is true of electrical power.
3. We must reject the notion of orthodox economics that governmental balancing of budgets or surpluses are always good. In our case, following this mainstream approach may lead to perpetual stagnation and deter us from the brave steps required to promote true development.
In this regard, an immediate opportunity to provide stimulus to the economy while simultaneously alleviating the hardship of retirees and old-age pensioners presents itself, through the comprehensive tackling of outstanding pension payments. While what is needed is a holistic review and reform of the disjointed social security and welfare apparatus, a good place to start would be the clearing up of existing pension arrears and the establishment of a framework for averting their future build-up.
The wider task of comprehensive social security reform would inevitably require a high-level body to review and advise on the harmonization of various initiatives and deductions from workers’ payrolls in the name of welfare, such as pension contributions, national housing fund, national health insurance etc.
4. Monetary policy should move toward lower interest rates to make credit is more accessible to business and the consumer. This will spur industrial investment and help us reach more conducive levels of consumer demand. It also will dissuade people from corrupt temptations.
The need to pay for homes and other costly items in one lump sum payment is a strong invitation to corruption. For example, if mortgages and credit instruments are more available to the judiciary, jurists would be able to purchase homes, decent care and other items considered the basic amenities of modern life via long-term installment payments that can be met through their salaries. Able to purchase these things properly and thus afforded a comfortable life, jurists would be less vulnerable to improper inducements.
5. The government-backed home mortgage system must be re-structured and land conveyance more streamlined make mortgages and all forms of landed transactions are easier and less bureaucratic. This will increase the wealth of the nation and improve the efficiency of land use. It also opens the door to affordable housing for millions of families now beyond the reach of owning their own homes.
6. Agriculture remains the backbone of the nation. We must help the common farmer by improving rural output and incomes. Here, we must revive an old policy that served us well. We must return to commodity exchange boards which will allow farmers to secure good prices and hedge against loss. An agricultural mortgage loan corporation should be inaugurated to further promote these goals.
7. To achieve better levels of overall governance, we need to re-balance the duties between federal and state governments by giving states more power, authority and resources.
8. Last, Government must be sufficiently bold to begin a process that will ultimately result in a government-backed pension plan for all elderly Nigerians, this is something akin to Social Security which all great nations provide for those of advanced age.”

Thursday 18 January 2018

Italy and World biggest Industrial Computer

World biggest Computer : Italy’s Eni launches world’s biggest industrial supercomputer
Italian oil and gas group, Eni, on Thursday, January 18, said it had installed new capacity at its supercomputing centre near Milan to create the world’s most powerful industrial computer.
However, the new capacity quadruples the group’s computing power, allowing it to process up to 22.4 quadrillion operations per second, the company said.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Eni, Claudio Descalzi, said “in our industry, it is increasingly important to be able to process ever-increasing amounts of data, ensuring more accurate and faster results.”
The state-controlled firm had invested heavily in high-powered computing to give it an edge over rivals in exploration and get its resources to market faster.
After giant gas discoveries in Mozambique and Egypt, it has one of the industry’s best discovery track records in recent years.
In December, it said it had produced first gas from its Egyptian supergiant Zohr field in just two and a half years, a record time for this type of field.

Italy and World biggest Industrial Computer

World biggest Computer : Italy’s Eni launches world’s biggest industrial supercomputer
Italian oil and gas group, Eni, on Thursday, January 18, said it had installed new capacity at its supercomputing centre near Milan to create the world’s most powerful industrial computer.
However, the new capacity quadruples the group’s computing power, allowing it to process up to 22.4 quadrillion operations per second, the company said.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Eni, Claudio Descalzi, said “in our industry, it is increasingly important to be able to process ever-increasing amounts of data, ensuring more accurate and faster results.”
The state-controlled firm had invested heavily in high-powered computing to give it an edge over rivals in exploration and get its resources to market faster.
After giant gas discoveries in Mozambique and Egypt, it has one of the industry’s best discovery track records in recent years.
In December, it said it had produced first gas from its Egyptian supergiant Zohr field in just two and a half years, a record time for this type of field.

Italy and World biggest Industrial Computer

World biggest Computer : Italy’s Eni launches world’s biggest industrial supercomputer
Italian oil and gas group, Eni, on Thursday, January 18, said it had installed new capacity at its supercomputing centre near Milan to create the world’s most powerful industrial computer.
However, the new capacity quadruples the group’s computing power, allowing it to process up to 22.4 quadrillion operations per second, the company said.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Eni, Claudio Descalzi, said “in our industry, it is increasingly important to be able to process ever-increasing amounts of data, ensuring more accurate and faster results.”
The state-controlled firm had invested heavily in high-powered computing to give it an edge over rivals in exploration and get its resources to market faster.
After giant gas discoveries in Mozambique and Egypt, it has one of the industry’s best discovery track records in recent years.
In December, it said it had produced first gas from its Egyptian supergiant Zohr field in just two and a half years, a record time for this type of field.

Italy and World biggest Industrial Computer

World biggest Computer : Italy’s Eni launches world’s biggest industrial supercomputer
Italian oil and gas group, Eni, on Thursday, January 18, said it had installed new capacity at its supercomputing centre near Milan to create the world’s most powerful industrial computer.
However, the new capacity quadruples the group’s computing power, allowing it to process up to 22.4 quadrillion operations per second, the company said.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Eni, Claudio Descalzi, said “in our industry, it is increasingly important to be able to process ever-increasing amounts of data, ensuring more accurate and faster results.”
The state-controlled firm had invested heavily in high-powered computing to give it an edge over rivals in exploration and get its resources to market faster.
After giant gas discoveries in Mozambique and Egypt, it has one of the industry’s best discovery track records in recent years.
In December, it said it had produced first gas from its Egyptian supergiant Zohr field in just two and a half years, a record time for this type of field.


solution to diabetes, stomach problems etc

TESTED AND TESTIFIED  This's good news for those that have diabetes, stomach problem of any kind, high level sugar, infecti...